Thursday, December 26, 2019

Real ID Cómo sacarlo y su impacto en los migrantes

En cumplimiento de la ley Real I.D., a partir del 1 de octubre de 2020, las licencias regulares de manejar y de identificacià ³n no podrà ¡n utilizarse para abordar vuelos domà ©sticos ni para acceder a algunos edificios federales. Para ello, deberà ¡ obtenerse una licencia de manejar (drivers license) o una licencia de identificacià ³n (I.D. card) que se ajuste a las directrices de la ley Real I.D. Puntos Clave: Licencias de manejar e identificacià ³n Real ID A partir del 1 de octubre de 2020 no se podrà ¡n utilizar las licencias regulares de manejar como identificacià ³n para abordar vuelos domà ©sticos o acceder a ciertos edificios federales.No es obligatorio obtener una licencia Real I.D.; para conducir se puede seguir utilizando la licencia regular.La identificacià ³n Real I.D. es muy difà ­cil de alterar o falsificar. Este documento sirve como prueba de identidad y de presencia legal en el paà ­s.  ¿Cà ³mo funciona Real ID y cà ³mo afecta a los migrantes? Las nuevas licencias Real I.D. registran el nombre legal completo del solicitante, asà ­ como su fecha de nacimiento, fotografà ­a, direccià ³n de residencia, gà ©nero y firma. Ademà ¡s, contienen medidas de seguridad y de codificacià ³n de la informacià ³n que las hace muy difà ­ciles de alterar o falsificar. Al mismo tiempo, sirven como prueba de presencia legal en Estados Unidos de dos formas distintas. Por un lado, para obtener una licencia de manejar o de identificacià ³n Real I.D. es requisito indispensable demostrar mediante documentos que el solicitante es ciudadano o posee estatus migratorio legal en Estados Unidos. Los Departamentos de Vehà ­culos Motores de cada estado deben guardar digitalmente copias de dichos documentos. Por otro lado, la ley Real I.D. establece que los Departamentos de Vehà ­culos Motores deben compartir informacià ³n sobre sus licencias en una base de datos comà ºn que se conoce como S2S, la cual forma parte de SPEXS. Cada vez que se ingresa nueva informacià ³n al sistema, la base de datos la envà ­a al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y verifica el estatus legal del solicitante. En la actualidad, no todos los estados que ya emiten licencias Real I.D. està ¡n conectados con dicha base de datos.  ¿Para quà © es necesario tener una identificacià ³n Real ID? A partir del 1 de octubre de 2020 serà ¡ necesario tener una licencia de manejar o una licencia de identificacià ³n que cumpla con los requisitos de la ley Real I.D. para abordar vuelos domà ©sticos y para ingresar a algunos edificios federales como, por ejemplo, bases militares. Si no se tiene dicha identificacià ³n podrà ¡n utilizarse alternativas como el pasaporte estadounidense, tarjeta de pasaporte, I.D. militar, tarjeta de residencia permanente, pasaporte extranjero con visa và ¡lida, tarjetas SENTRI y NEXUS, entre otros documentos.  ¿Para quà © no es necesaria la identificacià ³n Real ID? No existe la obligacià ³n de tener una licencia Real I.D. Las personas que tienen una licencia de manejar regular pueden continuar manejando y comprar seguro de auto o solicitar en cualquier momento la Real I.D. Ademà ¡s, los conductores que sacan por primera vez una licencia de manejar pueden optar por cualquiera de las dos: la regular de siempre o la Real I.D. Asimismo, los migrantes indocumentados pueden seguir conduciendo con sus licencias emitidas expresamente para esta categorà ­a de migrantes en una docena de estados. Cabe destacar que tampoco es necesario tener una licencia Real I.D. para ingresar a hospitales, acceder a cortes federales—incluidas las de inmigracià ³n—, abrir una cuenta de banco, aplicar o recibir beneficios sociales federales o para identificarse con carà ¡cter general.  ¿En quà © estados se puede obtener ya una licencia Real ID? En la actualidad es posible solicitar una licencia de manejar o de identificacià ³n que cumple con los requisitos de la ley Real I.D. en todos los estados y territorios de Estados Unidos excepto en los estados de Nueva Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregà ³n y los territorios de Islas Marianas del Norte y Samoa Americana.  ¿Cà ³mo obtener una licencia Real ID y quà © documentos se piden a los migrantes? Para obtener una licencia o identificacià ³n Real I.D., la ley federal establece parà ¡metros estrictos que deben cumplirse para probar identidad y presencia legal por un lado y, por otro, residencia en el estado donde se solicita la licencia. Ademà ¡s, cada estado puede establecer sus propias reglas adicionales en tanto respete las directrices federales. Prueba de identidad y presencia legal Se exigen dos documentos. Por un lado, como regla general debe mostrarse la tarjeta con el Nà ºmero del Seguro Social (SSN, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Sin embargo, se admiten excepciones a esta regla en ciertas categorà ­as de migrantes, como pueden ser algunas circunstancias de refugiados, solicitantes de asilo, solicitantes de la proteccià ³n VAWA para personas que han sufrido abuso, etc. En estos casos se puede presentar carta de la Administracià ³n del Seguro Social (SSA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) especificando que el migrante es inelegible para la tarjeta del SSN. Por otro lado, debe mostrarse uno de los siguientes documentos: pasaporte estadounidense, certificado de nacimiento original o copia certificada, tarjeta de pasaporte, tarjeta militar de EE.UU., green card o pasaporte extranjero con sello I-551, permiso de trabajo EAD y tarjeta del Seguro Social. Ademà ¡s, tambià ©n se admiten el permiso de reingreso I-327 (tambià ©n conocido como advanced parole), la orden judicial de suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n o el documento de viaje de los refugiados I-571. Asimismo, tambià ©n puede admitirse como documento que prueba presencia autorizada en los Estados Unidos la prà ³rroga de TPS, la aprobacià ³n de DACA para muchachos indocumentados y, en algunas circunstancias, el documento I-797 de solicitud de cambio de estatus. En el caso de extranjeros con visa de trabajo como la H-1B o la O, o visa de inversià ³n E-2, se admite presentar como prueba de identidad el pasaporte extranjero con visa và ¡lida. En el caso de estudiantes con visa F-1 deberà ¡n presentar junto con el pasaporte con la visa và ¡lida una copia del documento I-94, Registro de entrada y de salida. Puede estar sellado por un oficial de migracià ³n en el momento de ingresar a EE.UU. o puede ser una impresià ³n obtenida de la pà ¡gina oficial de la CBP. En todos los casos, los documentos deben ser originales. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los certificados de nacimiento en EE.UU., para lo que se admite una copia debidamente certificada por la autoridad competente y con sello levantado o en relieve. Ademà ¡s, en el caso de cambio de nombre, deberà ¡ mostrarse la orden judicial, declaracià ³n de divorcio o certificado de matrimonio donde asà ­ consta. Prueba de residencia La residencia en el estado donde se solicita la licencia Real I.D. debe demostrarse con dos documentos. Como regla general se admiten facturas de servicio de cable, electricidad o telà ©fono, alquiler de vivienda, licencia de manejar sin expirar, registro de vehà ­culo, seguro de auto y extractos de banco, entre otros documentos similares. La mayorà ­a de los estados prevà ©n soluciones para el caso de personas que no tienen facturas, contratos o propiedades a su nombre. Los menores de edad, por ejemplo, pueden presentarse con una persona con quien conviven y que sà ­ recibe facturas a su nombre. Sin embargo, deberà ¡n mostrar al menos un documento en el cual figuren su nombre y su direccià ³n. En persona En cada estado se establecen las reglas para concertar una cita en una oficina local del Departamento de Vehà ­culos Motores, pero en todos ellos es necesario que el solicitante se presente con sus documentos ante un oficial para realizar el trà ¡mite. Costo de las licencias Real ID Cada estado establece sus propias tarifas. Por ejemplo, en Nueva York las licencias regulares y las Real I.D. tienen el mismo costo. En Pensilvania, la primera vez que se solicita una licencia Real I.D. debe pagarse una tarifa adicional de $30. En Nevada, si se desea un cambio de licencia regular por Real I.D., se debe pagar una tarifa de mejora de categorà ­a de $9,25 por las licencias de conducir y de $8,25 por las de identificacià ³n. Se recomienda consultar la pà ¡gina del Departamento de Vehà ­culos Motores del estado donde se reside para verificar el costo de la tarifa. Real ID y su diferencia con la licencia de manejar mejorada La licencia de manejar mejorada, conocida como Enhanced Drivers License en inglà ©s o por sus siglas EDL, es una licencia de conducir especial que permite a los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos y Canadà ¡ cruzar la frontera terrestre o marà ­tima entre estos dos paà ­ses. No es và ¡lida para cruce de frontera por avià ³n. En la actualidad, los à ºnicos estados que emiten la licencia EDL son Michigan, Minesota, Nueva York, Vermont y Washington. Fuente: DHS. (2005, May 11). DHS. Retrieved from Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es informacià ³n legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Killer Angels Book Review - 1641 Words

Katie Cline The Killer Angels Book Review June 21, 2012 The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara: The Random House Publishing Group, New York, 1974. The Killer Angels is a stunning recollection of the telltale battle of the Civil War: the Battle of Gettysburg. Set from June 29 to July 3, 1863 and told from the vantage points of several soldiers and commanding officers from both sides, including Lee, Longstreet, and Chamberlain, Michael Shaara effectively paints a picture of the war that divided America, from the tactical planning to the emotional hardships The book opened with a sodden Confederate spy as he blazed through the Union lines in the dead of night on June 29, 1863 toward the headquarters of Confederate general Robert E. Lee with†¦show more content†¦During one such moment, Chamberlain is reminded of a Shakespearean speech: â€Å"What a piece of work man is†¦in action how like an angel!† (page 126). Upon hearing this, Chamberlain’s father commented, â€Å"Well, boy, if he’s an angel, he’s sure a murderin’ angel.† (page 126). From this interaction, Chamberlain came up with â€Å"Man: the Killer Angels†, a thought he often revisited over the course of the Battle of Gettysburg, and from which the book acquires its title. Chamberlain acted with the intention of getting something positive out of the war. He never treated the Confederates as though they were less than him: â€Å" Chamberlain put out a hand. ‘Sir’ he said. The Alabama man nodded slightly. His voice was so low Chamberlain could hardly hear it. ‘Do you have some water?’ ‘Certainly.’ Chamberlain offered his own canteen.† (page 243). It is even known that he had his troops salute the surrendering South at Appomattox. Overall, I found Michael Shaara’s The Killer Angels an interesting book; it shed a new and different light on the Battle of Gettysburg by showing it from multiple points of view. I believe that Shaara was successful in writing in the diction of his chosen narrators; he used slang and dropped â€Å"g’s† for the Confederate soldiers and used proper grammar and British terminology for the Englishman, Freemantle. I was also impressed by his knowledge of military terms and the effectiveness of which he used them. The terms were used enough thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on Killer Angels by Michael Shaara677 Words   |  3 PagesKiller Angels by Michael Shaara Most people think of the Civil War as a military battle between the North and South. Without studying the subject, they do not appreciate the facts that make up this historical event. When one reads the novel, Killer Angels, the reader is given a much better perception and understanding of what actually happened during the war. Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara, is a realistic historical depiction of the great battle of Gettysburg, which left 50,000 ConfederateRead MoreEssay on The Killer Angels by Michael Sharra1446 Words   |  6 Pages Based of Michael Sharra’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Killer Angels, Gettysburg is a literary adaptation that popularized the bloodiest battle fought between the North and the South during the Civil War. Initially intended as a TV mini series, Gettysburg was produced as a full-length feature film. The film glorifies Union and Confederate soldiers in the historic bloodbath of Gettysburg. The film enables viewers to experience a first hand account of the spirit and battleground of the four-dayRead MoreKiller Angels Essay1856 Words   |  8 Pagesreligious viewpoints do we see in this book? 2. Why did soldiers fight? Did the motivations of men on the two sides differ? What enabled men to fight in the face of death? 3. What thesis does the author argue as to why the Confederacy was defeated at Gettysburg? What evidence does he present to make his point? Do you agree or disagree with him? Trevor Jenke Professor Lockwood History 1301: M-W 12:30 2 December, 2013 Killer Angels Book Review 1. During the Civil War, there wereRead More Is It the Author, or His Content? Essay1404 Words   |  6 PagesOrson Scott Card’s novel, Ender’s Game, has been the most popular science fiction novel since its release is 1985. While the book is essentially a fantasy, it contains a lot of scientific and philosophical information that are both manifest and latent. The issue that critics argue over may not necessarily refer to the plot of the book, but rather to its moral dynamics. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Houston-Based Waste Management Company Case Study

Questions: The Case Study A Houston-based Waste Management Company (WMC) signed a purchase agreement for a new revenue management system (ERP) in October 2005 with a well-known ERP vendor SAP AG. In 2006, WMC filed a case against the ERP vendor SAP for a complete failure of a $100 million ERP software implementation. It also alleged that SAP executives participated in a fraudulent sales scheme by describing the Waste and Recycling version of its ERP application as tested, working solution and this product would be delivered within 18 months from the purchase date. However, SAP fired back, claiming that Waste Management violated its contractual agreement with SAP by failing to timely and accurately define its business requirements and not providing sufficient, knowledgeable, decision-empowered users and managers to work on the project. WMC claimed it suffered significant damages, including more than US$100 million it spent on the project, as well as more than $350 million for benefits it would have gained if the software had worked as intended. In the end, SAP made a one-time cash payment to Waste Management under the confidential settlement's terms. In general ERP vendors provide basic software that can be modified to suit existing business processes OR modify their own business processes to suit the proposed system. Claims made by WMC indicate that they were expecting SAP to deliver already developed product without realising that it was a prototype. As we are not clear about the facts, it can be assumed that SAP was planning to develop a customised solution to meet WMCs needs, but failed to deliver a customised solution within 18 months, due to lack of support and information about current business practices at WMC. Task You have been asked to prepare a report identifying the causes of failure and recommendations to adopt a new ERP system. You need to thoroughly research, mount and justify proposed solutions for successful implementation of an ERP system. Your report should include discussion and arguments with suitable evidence about the following: Major causes of ERP implementation failure Use of prototype in ERP selection process, benefits and challenges with converting prototype into a working system. Detail the importance of Introducing an ERP that requires changing business processes to match the system functionality, or Customise the software to match the business processes. Answer: Script From the inception of ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning by businesses, organizations face different dilemmas and problems. It is true that integration of business processes with ERP makes the business process faster, brings more revenue to the business. At the same time, ERP implementation failure can result into situations like the same in case of WMC and SAP AG implementation case. Where the implementation failed due to wrong selection of ERP, lack of understanding about ERP, prototyping, lack of communication and commitment from top level management etc. These type of situations is not intended for any organization. One of the difficult thing to decide about ERP implementation are the customizations. Business processes differs from one organization to another, as ERP is closely related to business processes, so the customization of the ERP solution will vary from one ERP solution to another. And sometimes organization choose vanilla implementation that is ERP implementation without customization. But this is not en efficient process. Another path to avoid customization of ERP solution is to customization the business process according to ERP implementation. But it adds more complexity, more manitance cost, lesser flexibility etc. In this presentation, customization of ERP solution according to business process will be discussed. Before customizing an ERP implementation it needs to understand what an ERP solution is. ERP systems are modular, larger and complex systems that integrates the business processes like SCM, HR, Accounts, CRM etc. and many more. But these are mostly packaged solution. And it will suffer the issues that are true for any packaged solution. Packages solution suffer from uncertainty about package modification time and cost, vender viability, and the ability of the package to meet the user needs (Gross Ginzberg, 1984) now, it needs customization to meets the user needs. To reach into the business functions of an organization, staying within the scope of ERP systems, organizations will either change its business process or change the ERP solution whatever there is a mismatch between the requirement of the organization and the offering from the ERP solution. There are different types of situation when the cases arrives that the ERP solution needs customization. There are different types of strategic alignment with ERP customization. There have been extensive studies on finding the critical factors that directs to ERP implementation success and are considered to be the preferable ways for software customization. Still there may be situation of mismatch between strategic alignment and customization. Studies says that it needs modification and customization of ERP systems to meet the requirements of the organization. (Light, 2005) The deciding factors behind customization of ERP solution will include, 1. Factors related to the product For any organization customers is a big factor. Preferences are given on customers requirement and preferences. But it is sometimes hard to predict the customer responses before implementation of the ERP. Consultants are required to decide the functionalities needed by the customer from the ERP system and listing those down. Then they priorities the lists and make the customization based on the list. 2. Internal and technical factors Customization should be accepted such that it does not affect the structure and interdependencies of the modules much. 3. Benefits from customization The measurement of benefits from customization is needed to be evaluated. The evaluation should be realistic enough. There are two types of customizations made to the ERP solutions for bridging the gap between ERP solution and business process. Those are consistency customizations and strategic customization. In consistency customization, the customizations are made to the ERP solution to achieve consistency among the business process and the ERP solution. These kid of customization are required for fitting the ERP solution into the business. For example, there may be a requirement where the reports generated for the organizations needs to have some specific types of headers and footers. Addition of that to the reporting tool of the ERP solution is a type of consistency customization. On the other hand strategic customization are customization made to the ERP solution to achieve strategic alignment with the business processes of the organization. This is an extension of alignment of the business processes along with the information system strategies of the organization. Customization of ERP solution can be based on the technology and technicalities behind the ERP customization. (Luo Strong, 2004). The processes undertaken for technical customization may be, 4. Selection of Modules In this case, an organization selects the modules of the ERP solution that needs customization for getting fitted into the business process. The management and IT department decides on the customization required for this case. In terms of business benefits, more customization of modules will make the modules more suited and aligned with the business process. But the risk is the interrelationships among the modules may get affected. For an ERP system, that is highly modular and integrated around the modules of an ERP solution, it can lead to problematic ERP solution. The costs, changes etc. also needed to be considered. 5. Customization of Table Configurations These kind of customizations are done to ERP systems for tailoring it according to the business process. It needs understanding of the essence of each customization and configuration options available to the tables in the ERP solution. Also it needs to understand the consequences of wrong configurations. Usually there are different kind of large number of tables in an ERP solution. Thus the task of configuring the tables may turn up to be time consuming task. Maintaining the interdependencies among the tables and modules is very much needed in this case. 6. Modification of code Customization of ERP system may need to modify the code of the system. Thus it will take programming tasks to complete. An example is customizing the interfaces of the system. The advantages from customization of ERP solution will be, (Aslam, et al., 2012) 1. An ERP solutions integrates business process and build a centralized control over the business processes in the organization. Integration of business processes makes the processes more collaborative, faster, and compatible and the redundancy among the processes are reduced. 2. Customization helps to rule out the unnecessary or irrelevant modules from the solution and may add features that are more close to the business. Thus the integration of IT with business process will be enhanced. The business will be able to utilize the benefits of information technology more than before. 3. ustomization of ERP according to the business process is less costly than changing the business process to get aligned with the ERP solution. 4. Business process reengineering need to change the business process, the structure or organization, organizational culture, business strategies etc. the risks of such changes are more complex, risky and time consuming than changing ERP solution along with the business process. (Grabot, et al., 2008) 5. Recent ERP vendors provide enough support for ERP customization by offering wide range of plug ins, modules, support etc. thus customization of ERP in not that much complex now a days. Also there are vendors that provide different ERP solution for specific industries. Choosing some industry specific solution related to the business will help in reducing the degree of customization to some degree. 6. In case of custom ERP solution, it is built based on the requirements of the business process, thus it will be able to represent the business in better way. The business will be run in more smoothly. 7. The interfaces and layout can be customized as per the users requirement and choices. Thus it will make the interface more user friendly. 8. It will help to control visibility and access over the system and data in a better way. Organization will be able to implement such features in a better way. 9. It will not require any change in organizational structure or culture, thus the resistance from user will be lesser. And it will help in more user participation, thus the system will be utilized in a better way. There are some far reaching consequences of these ERP implementations. (Grabski, et al., 2000) Some factors under this consideration are, 1. Customization of ERP is a part the organizational effort given the project of ERP implementation. There will be significant investment of cost, time and effort behind customization of ERP. 2. Customization may end up in addition of new bugs in the ERP system. Customization changes the software provided by vendor and these bugs stems out from the customization hence, vendor will not be responsible for these bugs. The development process of ERP implementation can be delayed for these bugs. Even sometimes it can lead to ERP failures. 3. Customization will increase the complexity of the ERP implementation to some more degree. 4. Manitance and upgrades can also be dramatic and complex. Vendors may not support up gradation of customization solutions. In that case it may need hiring experts for that purpose. To conclude the discussion, the bottom line of any ERP implementation will be understanding the requirements, selecting the right ERP solution, deciding the customization only as much as needed. References Aslam, U., Coombs, C. R. Doherty, N. F., 2012. Benefits Realisation from ERP systems : The Role of Customisation. ECIS. Grabot, B., 2008. Process Alignment or ERP Customisation. ERP Systems and Organisational Change, pp. 139-156. Grabot, B., Mayre, A. Bazet, I., 2008. ERP Systems and Organisational Change. s.l.:Springer . Grabski, S. V., Leech, S. A. Lu, B., 2000. Risks and Controls in the Implementation of ERP Systems. The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, pp. 47-68. Gross Ginzberg, 1984. Enterprise Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. s.l.:Idea Group Inc (IGI). Harwood, S., 2003. ERP: The Implementation Cycle. s.l.:Butterworth-Heinemann. Leon, A., 2008. ERP Demystified. s.l.:McGraw-Hill. Light, B., 2005. Going beyond misfit as a reason for ERP package customisation. Current trends in ERP implementations and utilisation, p. 606619. Luo, W. Strong, D., 2004. Framework for Evaluating ERP Implementation Choice. IEEE Transactions on Engineering and Management, pp. 322-333.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Name Essays (1365 words) - Genocides, Racism, Murder,

Name: Professor: Course: Date: Representations of War and Genocide Edwidge Danticat's Farming of the Bones portrays genocide and massacre in a number of ways. This essay concentrates on reasons why in history, the Parsley massacre is not known as genocide but rather a massacre. Massacre is defined as the act of mass murdering of people because of a variety of reasons; it is indiscriminately killing of a large number of people and especially the less powerful, less power and those that are not rebellious. Massacre can also be referred as an act of destruction where not only people are slaughtered by their properties are destroyed as well. Genocide is an act of killing people from a certain ethnic group or discriminatory killing of people. Therefore, in History, Parsley massacre is called massacre because Parsley was about mass murdering of helpless and less fortunate people due to a number of reasons. The author of The Farming Bones, Danticat combines history and fictions to represent war and genocide. This book relates to the historical fict ion that focuses on 1937 massacre that took place in the Dominican Republic under the ruling of dict ator, Rafael Trujillo (Upchurch ). In this case, the intention of the author is to use both fiction and history to enable them to understand the novel and its themes. The part focus on why does the author mention genocides in history as far back as the Armenian genocide but do not mention the Parsley massacre and factors that contribute to the absence Parsley massacre in history. There are various reasons why the author mentions genocides in history but does not mention the Parsley massacre. First, the author feels that history has forgotten the incident that led to the deaths of people from her country. History mentions events such as Armenian genocide, Holocaust, Rwandan genocide and many other events that led loss lives. These extermination historical events can be referred to the genocides since the certain minority groups the targets. The structure of the narrative is meant is to ensure that international community profoundly understands levels of injustices that were influenced by ethnicity and racism and what historical traumatic events affected both men, women and children. Danticat felt that victims of genocides such as Armenian genocides and others and their sufferings are valued are recognized and valued as part of history while Parsley massacre victims and their sufferings are not recognized, which is an another form of injustice that they suffer. For example, from the book, the quotes "Sometimes the people in the fields, when they're tired and angry, they say we're an orphaned people," he said, "They say we are the Burt crud at the bottom of the pot. They say some people don't belong anywhere and that's us. I say we are a group of vwayaje, wayfarers. This is why you had to travel this far to meet me, because this is what we " (Danticat 56) represent how event increases the number of orphans. The author attempts to mention genocides in history to help memorize the how thousands of people used to suffer due to discriminatory reasons. By telling the story, the author aims at and creating awareness of the genocide that took place in history. The death of Joel and the facts there is no funeral for him represent the kinds of incidences that took place during genocides mentioned in history. The statements "No funeral for Joel," he said, "I wanted to bury him in our own land where he was born, I did, but he was too heavy to carry so far. I buried him where he did in the ravine. I buried him in a field of lemongrass, my son. "He lowered his head, letting the tobacco mix drop to his chest. "He was one of those children who grew like weeds in the fields, my son. Didn't need nobody or nothing, but he I'd love his father. It wasn't ceremonious the way I buried him, I know. No clothes, no coffin, nothing between him and the dry ground. I wanted to give him back to the soil t he way his mother passed him to me on the first day of his"( Danticat 108). This